The Home Education Grade 8 – 9 Solution

Senior Phase (Gr 8 – 9)

A very flexible solution for the middle grades, allowing for greater student led learning. Supported with cutting edge technology you are poised to be on a strong base for the higher grades. Start your journey with us Today.


  • The ideal home school solution with a complete curriculum and assessment developed for South Africa.

  • Learning material is provided via a guided study plan, textbooks and a web based portal, ensuring curriculum content is always up to date.

  • Additional value added curriculum support and assessment services available. This is either Virtual support or One on One tuition.

  • 100% Aligned to the SA Curriculum requirements.

  • Day to day lesson and progress plan. This is facilitated via the online portal. 


Learners are welcome to join at any time of the year. Simply contact the office and all admission requiremenrs will be discussed with you by a friendly service representative.



Required Subjects

  • Mathematics

  • Life Skills

  • English Home Language

  • Afrikaans First Additional Language

  • Natural Sciences

  • Social Sciences (Geography & History)

  • Economic and Management Sciences

Core Curriculum

The core curriculum consists of a fully integrated, blended, day-to-day, scheduled curriculum which allows the learner to study at their own pace, and to allow them to be fully aware of the requirements which are set out in our learning system. This leads to maturity in learning. The lessons and resources enable the teacher / parent or tutor to guide the student through the required materials in a systematic, professional manner and efficient manner. This results in the building of solid foundations on which future studies will be based.

Learning materials are delivered via a range of both computer based as well as traditional textbook materials.

How does Assessment Work? (Self / External)


The Self-assessment method comes in the form of June / July and November / December test and is pre-packaged in the educational pack. Parents are provided with the answer keys required to complete the assessment.


External assessment is arranged with your dedicated educational consultant. This comes in the form of 2 annual examinations written under parental supervision.


A formal Report is issued only when the learner is registered for External Formal Assessment. Speak to the customer services representative today.

Assessment and Grading Codes

Excellent 80% – 100%

Well Done 70% – 79%

Exceeding Expectations 60% – 69%

Satisfactory 50% – 59%

Moderate 40% – 49%

Requires Development 30% – 39%

Requires Significant Development 0% – 29%

Movement to the next Grade

It is the parent’s decision to move the learned to the next grade. This decision can be made with the help of one of our professional consultants.

Curriculum Consulting Services

2 Hours of curriculum consulting services are included in the standard package. Additional hours can be purchased at a rate of R200 per hour.